April 24-28 Weekly Log

Session Number: 5
Week Number: 5
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 3.5 hours
What was your overall goal for this week: Start and finish Shipwreck map

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
monBegan work on the shipwreck map; outlines and general concept of the map.Whole Period 
tueContinued work on the map; effects and 3d objects for the map.Whole Period 
 wedFound out I had the wrong idea on what the map was, and had to restart everything.whole period 
 thurI didn’t do much this day, but I got a few sprites done.10 mins? 
 friMade this blog post, and started working on an easter egg thing for the shipwreck map. whole period 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: hi

APR 17 – APR 21 Weekly Work Log

Session Number: 5
Week Number: 4
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 3.5 hours
What was your overall goal for this week: Make mineshaft map.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
monPlayed others games 
tuebegan work on mineshaft map, didn’t get far because it took a while for me to get the newest version of the game10 minutes? 
 wedcontinued work on mineshaft map, got a lot donewhole period 
 thurcontinued to work on mineshaft map, mostly sprite workwhole period 
 fribasically finished the mineshaft map whole period 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: I’m glad I got at least one map done this week.

APR 10-APR 14 Weekly Work Log

Session Number: 5
Week Number: 3
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 2 hours
What was your overall goal for this week: finish the radioactive wasteland map.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
monWorked on game design classwork 
tue I don’t remember I probably was off task 
 wedFinished wasteland mapwhole period 
 thurbegan work on sky mapwhole period 
 frimade pink clouds for sky map, and just about finished it whole period 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: I was surprisingly productive for the second half of the week.